Friday, August 20, 2010

Whew! That was fun!

I survived my mini teaching opportunity. I was supposed to meet two ladies, and instead there were four that came. I had an amazing time sharing what I have learned. In fact, I am so excited for the opportunity to do it again.

When we left, I HAD to make a trip to Target. I mean it was right across the street, beckoning me to come. With coupons in hand and three kids in tow, I searched for free deals. I got 6 travel first aid kits (coupon $3.00/3), 4 cans of Chef Boyardee (coupon $1.00/1 target), and a pair of women's shoes (target coupon $3.00), and a 20 oz. Dr. Pepper, purchased because of possible overage. I paid (drum roll, please) $2.37 after tax.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

First opportunity and I am really excited

I am going to have the opportunity to share my passion with a couple of ladies. It will be a practice run of sorts. I love telling people about how to shop frugally. You do not want to run into me at the store. I might tell you more than you want to know. I'll let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

You can do it, too. Get ready!

I just saw my Kroger add. You can get some deals as good as I got last week. Find and match your cereal and snack coupons. LOAD, LOAD, LOAD them from all three coupon sites. If you plan it well, you can stock up on those items and really save down the road. There is supposed to be a catalina with this one again, which means you will get a coupon printed if you purchase the required number of items. Good luck.

Don't forget you can find some of those coupons on printable sites. Kroger will double up to 60 cents, sometimes even when it says "Do not double or triple". There are also some other really awesome deals. Check it out!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Opinions - Everyone has one...I got paid for mine

I was passed this awesome opportunity that I had the chance to do today. I was chosen to be part of a focus group to share my opinion about preschool programming. As a Christian, I want to seize the opportunity to have an influence on the things that influence my kids. The best part is that I was paid for my time, and it wasn't pennies either. I knew there were opportunities out there, but I wasn't sure which ones were legit or how to get on their list of contacts. I am also being given the opportunity to provide referrals for their company. Yes, there is something in it for me (I get $5 for each referral that qualifies), but I don't want to keep all of this to myself. What I did was fun and rewarding. You should try it!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Cha Ching

Okay, I have already shared a little bit about the fact that I LOVE saving money. That is putting it lightly. I made a second trip to Kroger yesterday before choir practice before their half price sale ended. I got so caught up in it, I almost missed all of the practice. Sorry, Bro. Steve! I was and still am so excited about my finds that I have to share them with you. Did you see what I got? You can't see my receipt, but the total was $16.70 after tax. Everything there was purchased with a paper coupon, and some of it had additional loadable coupons. I had to use the top shelf of my daughter's closet to store it. She has strict instructions not to be midnight snacking. HE HE HE We'll see how that works out.
P. S. The little coupon machine (sometimes called a catalina) gave me a $4.00 coupon for a future order. How cool is that!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I finally did it!

I have said for a while, "I think I'll start a blog". Well I finally did it. So where do I start? Well, let me start by introducing myself. My name is Rhoda. I am a child of God, first. I am a wife to my wonderful husband of TEN great years, Jeff. And I am a mother to three beautiful children. I am also the teacher of those same three children. Yes, I homeschool.

I have a passion for saving money....pinching that penny until it SCREAMS. This passion is what drove me to begin this journey that I hope will help others as much as it has helped me. I am not a professional, just a mom trying to do my part to help my family.

With the intro behind me, I look forward to sharing a little bit of me with you. I hope you are blessed by being here. Until next time.....